Gastroenterology examination

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The doctor  of internal medicine specialists, a gastroenterologist, performs a  clinical examination of the patient. The review begins with a discussion  with the patient (taking anamnesis) and examination of the abdomen. It  takes an average of 20-30 minutes, and if necessary longer. The review  is completely painless and no special preparation is needed.


•  Anamnesis – talk with the patient about current problems, other  illnesses (if any), previous surgeries and hospital treatments, family  illnesses etc …

• Insight into the previous medical documentation (if any).

•  physical examination (inspection-observation, palpation, listening,  tension measurement and ECG recording). Auscultation-listening to the  heart, lung, bowel and blood vessels in the abdomen is performed using  an instrument called a stethoscope. Palpation is one of the most  important parts of the review of an internal gastroenterologist, as it  represents a way of suspecting the existence of various bowel diseases.

•  advice and recommendation for further treatment (if needed) and  suggestion of possible additional diagnosis (ultrasound, X-ray or  scanning, gastroscopy, colonoscopy …).

If you experience any of the following symptoms, there may be a need to perform a review with an internal gastroenterologist:

• pain or discomfort in the abdomen (abdominal pain)

• difficulty swallowing, nausea, vomiting

• diarrhea, constipation

• loss of appetite

• weight loss