Hematology examination

The doctor of the internal medicine specialist, a hematologist, performs a clinical examination of the patient. The review begins with a discussion with the patient (anamnesis) and review. It takes an average of 20-30 minutes, and if necessary longer. The review is completely painless and no special preparation is needed.


• Anamnesis – talk with the patient about current problems, other illnesses (if any), previous surgeries and hospital treatments, family illnesses etc …

• Insight into the previous medical documentation (if any)

• Physical examination (inspection-observation, palpation-pacing, auscultation-listening, tension measurement and ECG recording) Auscultation-listening to the heart and lungs is performed using an instrument called a stethoscope. Auscultation is one of the most important parts of the examination of the internist, because it represents a way of suspecting the existence of various diseases of the heart.

• advice and recommendation for further treatment (if needed) and suggestion of possible additional diagnosis (X-ray, load test, coronarography …)

You need to bring with you the previous medical documentation (if you have it) and laboratory analysis.

If you experience any of the following symptoms, there may be a need to perform an examination with an internal hematologist:

• tiredness, fatigue, lack of air

• fever, frequent repetitive infections

• bleeding, spontaneous bruising

• headache or the formation of platelets