Allergy skin test to inhalation and nutritional allergens

Allergy skin tests  are a fast, efficient and safe method for detecting substances from the  environment (allergens) that can be the cause of allergic reactions.  These tests are the most reliable method for detecting and proving  allergies to inhalants (the substances that inhale) and nutritional  (food ingredients) allergens. Testing is performed on the most commonly  known allergens: mites, mussels, pollen of grass and trees, ambrosia,  feathers, dust, milk, yolks, whites, is performed in ambulatory  conditions and lasts 20-40 minutes.


•  It is for patients with symptoms such as sneezing, narrowing of the  eyes, feeling of itching and scratching in the throat, nose and eye  area, an irritant cough (which is not infectious in nature), changes in  hives or similar disorders (which may occur in for a certain period of  the year).

• In order to diagnose various allergic diseases:  allergic rhinitis, allergic asthma, eczema (dermatitis), allergy to  pollen, allergies to certain food products.


•  Testing is performed on over 40 most commonly different inhalation  (mites, bud, pollen of grass and trees, ambrosia, feathers, dust) and /  or nutritional allergens (milk, yolk, white …).

• One drop of  liquid, containing a soluble allergen (a substance that causes allergy  in some people), is placed on the forearm skin (in adults, mainly in  children, and on the back). The skin layer is scratched with the help of  a lancet, to allow contact of allergens with the skin of the skin.

•  After 20 minutes, a skin reaction is observed, and if an allergic  reaction occurs, redness, swelling and itching will occur on the site.  The doctor will immediately explain and communicate the results of the  test and provide advice and suggestion for further therapy (if  necessary).


• The most  common adverse reactions that may occur after this test include redness,  swelling and itching (they may develop several hours after testing and  may last for several days).

• Systemic allergic reactions can occur very rarely.


•  When scheduling this test, it is necessary to inform the medical staff  about all the medicines that you take in regular therapy, because  certain medicines can affect the accuracy of the test results (certain  drugs increase or reduce the allergic reaction).

• For five to  seven days prior to testing, stop using the following antihistamines:  Claritine, Aerius, Zyrtek, Phenergan, Avil, Pressing, Bronal, Tefen,  Ketotifen.

• It is necessary to stop 3 weeks of testing using a medicine called Astemisan.

• Avoid medicines that reduce the acidity of the stomach: Cimetidine, Ranisan.

• Avoid medicine against cold (Rinasek, Fervex).

•  Do not use medicine from the corticosteroid group (Dexason, Lemod solu,  Nyripan, Urbason, Pronison) for 24 hours prior to testing.

After testing, you can return to your usual daily activities.