Patch test

PATCH test is a diagnostic test that proves the existence of a contact allergy (contact dermatitis). These tests can determine which substances lead to the formation of contact dermatitis. To conduct the examination, at least two visits to the doctor are necessary. At the first visit, “patch” is placed on the skin. patches containing the substances to be tested. After two days (48 hours) you come back to Tesla Medical to remove the patches and read the skin reaction.


Contact dermatitis is inflammation of the skin caused by the reaction to different substances. It occurs in the form of itching, redness, sweating, and the appearance of bubbles on the skin. There are two types of contact dermatitis:

• Contact irritable dermatitis-is due to the action of the irritants (detergents, acids, bases) on the skin or mucous membrane.

Contact allergic dermatitis-is due to an allergic reaction to a particular substance.

Contact dermatitis can also occur in contact with a very small amount of allergens, while contact irritant (irritable) dermatitis occurs after contact with a larger amount of a substance or after long exposure to a particular type of stimulant.


Substances suspected of causing contact dermatitis can be placed in the form of a patch on the back skin (most often). The patch contains a small amount of different individual substances (25 to 150 substances). The sites for placing certain substances are marked with a black marker for easier identification. After 48 hours you will come back to Tesla Medical to see the doctor’s reaction to the skin after removing the patch.


The complications that can be reached are:

• Skin reactions lasting several weeks.

• Skin reaction to substances you did not have an allergic / irritative reaction until then (may occur after 10 days).

• Although a patch that is hypoallergenic (minimal risk of an allergic reaction), the reaction to the material from which the patch is made can occur.

• “Angry back” (the entire surface of the skin is affected by the back) are the result of a positive or false positive reaction to most substances or people in whom testing is performed during active dermatitis.


It is necessary to report all the medicines that you take in regular therapy, because certain medicines can affect the accuracy of the test results (they may increase or decrease the allergic reaction). It is necessary, in consultation with the doctor, to stop using this test:

• Drugs against allergy (from the group of antihistamines) such as Aerius, Zyrtec, Claritin, Xyzal, Clarinase at least 5-7 days.

• Rinaseka, Fervexa bar for 5-7 days.

• Corticosteroids (Dexason, Lemod, Nyripan, Urbason, Pronison) at least 24 hours.