
Mesotherapy is a procedure by which various active substances (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, EGF-epidermal growth factor, FGF-fibroblast growth factor, stem cells, oligoelements, retinol, hyaluronic acid, amino acids, artichoke extract, caffeine, dexpanthenol, ginkgo biloba etc.) are inserted with microinjections into different layers of skin and subcutaneous tissue.

The procedure itself usually consists of administering sterile cocktails with micro pins, a needle, a dermaroller or a dermapen. The effects are achieved by the pharmacological action of the preparation and the physical stimulation of the skin by micro pins.

Mesotherapy can treat wrinkles on the face, loose and dehydrated skin of the face, neck, arms and neckline that has lost its fullness and glow (Mesoglow, Mesolift, Mesobotox or Mesofiller procedures); elimination of pigmentation disorders (Mesolighten); prevention of hair loss (Mesohair); “melting” of localized fat on the abdomen, thighs, around the waist, below the chin (Injection lipolysis); correction of loose upper arm skin, inner thighs, or stretch marks (MesoSculpt). An important indication for mesotherapy is cellulite reduction. Substances that melt fat, enhance circulation, allow for better drainage or have diuretic effects are then used. Mesotherapy is considered a non-surgical alternative to liposuction.