Examination of the internist endocrinologist

The doctor of internal medicine specialists, the subspecialist of endocrinology, deals with gastrointestinal diseases. The review starts with an anamnesis, or a discussion with a patient. The endocrinological examination is completely painless, lasting for an average of 20-30 minutes and, if necessary, longer.

Review includes:

• Anamnesis – talk with the patient about current problems, chronic diseases (if they suffer from them), previous operations, previous hospital treatments, family illnesses, life habits, etc. …

• Insight into the previous medical documentation (if any).

• Physical examination (inspection, palpation, auscultation, tension measurement and ECG).

• advice and recommendation for a further therapeutic plan (if there is a need) and suggestion of possible additional diagnosis (ultrasound imaging, CT …).

Physical examination includes: Inspection – observation (for example, the skin of the arms and legs in order to seek changes that can be due to long-term diabetes), palpation – touching (for example, the thyroid glands in order to detect changes in size or the presence of nodes) and auscultation (listening) Stethoscope is listening to the heart, lungs, bowel movements and large blood vessels.

You need to bring all your previous medical records (if any) with you and do all the laboratory analyzes that your endocrinologist has ordered you to do.

If you experience any of the following disorders, there may be a need to perform an examination with an internal endocrinologist:

• tiredness, skin changes

• growth disorder (slow growth or accelerated growth of certain parts of the body)

• weight loss, rapid heart rate, pronounced sweating, anxiety

• constipation, dry skin, depressive behavior,

• excess hunger, excessive thirst, frequent urination.