Hyperbaric Medicine

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Hyperbaric oxygenation involves healing with the perfect natural remedy – oxygen, which is not everything in life but without it there is no life. It is used in all conditions and diseases where the amount of oxygen in some or all of the body is reduced. Damaged blood vessels due to atherosclerosis are the most common cause of hypoxia (lack of oxygen).
The application of hyperbaric oxygenation is carried out in hyperbaric chambers under the supervision of professional staff. Therapy is carefully planned for each patient depending on his / her objective health status.
The essence of HBO is to contribute to better and faster healing by inhaling 100% oxygen at elevated pressure above 1 bar, triggering many positive processes in the body.
Oxygen is the deciding factor in metabolism. It is essential for the biochemical reactions of energy-producing cells, making it essential for all life functions.
A lack of oxygen at the cellular level damages the most important functions of the cells. A healthy person pumps almost 8,000 liters of blood a day with his cardiovascular system and consumes 368 liters of oxygen. The major consumers are the digestive tract and brain tissue.
Countless world and national congresses in the field of hyperbaric medicine have been held. HBO has been recognized worldwide as the therapy of choice for a number of diseases.
In our clinic, we most commonly use hyperbaric oxygen therapy for the following indications:

• Diabetes with complications
• Circulatory disorders, diseases of the blood vessels (Morbus Bürger, morbus Raynaud)
• Various headaches, migraines
• Acute deafness and tinnitus, dizziness
• Neuralgia trigeminus
• Autism in children
• Slow healing wounds
• Crohn’s disease
• Preparing top athletes
• Upgrading immunity